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The Weaver Parkway - Walks for all


The Weaver Parkway - Walks for all

Grade: Easy
Distance: 2.5km/1.5miles
Time: 1-1.5 hours
Start: Park accessed from Weaver Valley Road | what3words: ///stolen.strapped.cafe

Map: OS Explorer 267
Terrain: Easily accessible

The Weaver Parkway is an extensive area of open green space alongside the River Weaver on the outskirts of Winsford. It was created on former industrial land of brine workings and salt mining, creating a unique habitat for unusual wildlife.

The Parkway is a wonderful open area in which to enjoy a picnic or take a riverside stroll, apart from the route shown here, there are other paths on site, but these have a slightly steeper gradient and include some steps down to the Red Lion Public House.

This Walk for All features a firm, compacted grit surface. Some gradients are slightly greater than 1:10, however there are several resting/passing points along the route.

The Weaver Parkway is within walking distance of Winsford town centre. By car it can be reached from Weaver Valley Road which is off the A5018.

There are no toilets or refreshments available on site, but there are several public houses nearby.

Car parking is free at the Rangers’ Office and there are three dedicated disabled parking bays. The car park is open from 9am-4.30pm.


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