Two thought-provoking art events open in Cheshire.

Cheshire is hosting two exciting contemporary art and photography exhibitions this spring in Chester and Warrington.

A new exhibition of work by the acclaimed photographer Simon Roberts opens in Chester this month, brought to the city by Chester Visual Arts. How did we get here? Where do we go now? will go on show in the former H&M shop in the Grosvenor Shopping Centre from 20 May to 30 June.

Roberts is renowned for his captivating images of British landscapes and society, which provide a unique perspective on modern life in Britain that reflects both the beauty and challenges of living in a rapidly changing world. 

This new body of thought-provoking work, shown in a space outside the typical museum or gallery setting, will offer visitors the opportunity to explore the current state of society and the world we live in. They will also be given the chance to become part of the exhibition itself in a series of open sessions and workshops culminating in a new artwork, The Public Gallery, that will develop over the course of the exhibition.  

Meanwhile, Warrington Museum & Art Gallery is showing Utopolis until 30 July, an exhibition of paintings by the artist Jasmir Creed. Creed has built a reputation for depicting alienation and the transcultural in paintings of people in urban non-places or iconic historical sites, informed by her identity as a British South Asian artist. 

The exhibition includes her work March of Peace 2020, a scene showing ghostly monochromatic crowds of figures from 1902 in Warrington during the annual Warrington Walking Day set against landmarks from the town's skyline.




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  7. Lonnie N. Gerber
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