In our fantasy Cheshire Christmas Dinner we are catering for all the friends and family we haven’t seen this year so it’s got to be a giant feast, we’re setting up our festive virtual buffet table to please every palate and delight our guests with locally supplied produce and Cheshire - made delicacies.

Aperitif & Hors D'oeuvres

‘Merry Chimpmas’ A Chester Zoo Gin cocktail to start the festivities off with cheeky cheerful cranberry Cocktail (sans Gin for the baby chimps

 H.Clewlows of Nantwich Award winning Cheshire bred pork sausage Palmiers and Cheshire Chutney Co. apple & ginger dipping chutney to keep you going through present giving & receiving (hopefully, if you’ve been good!)

(Here’s a link to the sausage Palmiers reciepe - they’re a winner)

Main Course

A slow cooked Tatton Estate Venison stew with Tatton Brewery Black Porter for a dark and rich gravy

A Chestnut Meats fruity goat curry with Bongos Rock n Roll Pickles Cheshire grown chilli jam

A Park Farm Peover Turkey and a Holly Tree Farm Goose  (For the traditionalists)

Stuffed with The Hollies Farm shop luxury stuffing served with Cheerbrook Farm shop GIANT pigs in blankets

All served up with big bowls of lovely local veg and fluffy roast potatoes (time to perfect your chuffing technique for the crispiest outer crumb)

Find your local farm shop here


Mince Pies made with Mrs Darlingtons of Crewe Mincemeat with Brandy, served with Clotton Hall clotted cream and Backford Belles Christmas pudding Ice Cream

The Hollies Ultimate Plum Pudding - it's light, sweet and boozily scrumptious!

And if you weren’t already full, a few local cheeses to finish you off!

An award winning handcrafted in Cheshire; Burts Blue, a Tiresford Golden Cheshire Brie, made in Tarporley available online at Sheldons Dairy or choose from a great selection from the Cheshire Cheese Company

Serve it all up with a ‘Buzz off Covid’ Champagne Cocktail made with Plumley Honey from Bax Bees, Carden Park sparkling wine and Riverside Spirits Decadent honey rum. It may not make Covid disappear but you might forget about it for 10 minutes!

Or an alcohol free fruit punch with Chester-made Jeffreys cordial Check their website for some lovely soft drink reciepe ideas.

And if you are fortunate enough to be enjoying some of these treats and do have to pop to a big supermarket for some essential supplies, chuck a couple of extra bits in your basket and leave them in the food bank collection at the end of your shop, to help someone else’s Christmas in Cheshire be a little brighter after this difficult year. Find your nearest food bank here. Also, organisations such as Soul Kitchen in Chester and your local branch of The Salvation Army can help those in need this Christmas.




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